Fruit Benefits

Lucky fruit! Don’t miss out on the amazing kiwi!

Green is for luck! And if that is what you are looking for, you came to the right place! Get lucky by benefiting from eating a delicious, green fruit: kiwi. Often found year round, this fruit is in season from October through April. So you can enjoy it any time, and even better when they are in season like in the month of March. Let’s learn the benefits of this lucky fruit! Don’t miss out on the amazing kiwi!

Great for your digestive system: Kiwi is full of fiber. Particularly prebiotic fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria in our gut and promote their growth. Constipation and other gastrointestinal issues can be reduced with fiber. When you eat a heavy meal with lots of protein or too much dairy and you feel bloated, eat kiwi! This fruit contains Actinidain, an enzyme that breaks down protein in foods for better digestion.

Don't miss out on the amazing kiwi!

Kiwifruit helps support heart health: This fruit is a good source of potassium which helps reduce high blood pressure and stroke. Kiwi also contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. This may reduce the risk of coronary disease. Lastly, you can find a high amount of vitamin E – about 1.40 mg per 100g. Vitamin E maintain blood vessels healthy, reducing the risk of heart attack.

Full of Antioxidants: Kiwi is not only full of vitamin E, it also has twice the daily recomended amount of vitamin C. These vitamins gives us immune support to keep strong throughout the day, and avoid getting colds. In addition, the antioxidants found in kiwi protect us against free radicals caused by daily living. Antioxidants can boost our overall heath and help prevent cancer, for example.

Plate of kiwifruit - Dont miss out on the amazing kiwi!

Kiwi is benefitial to the eyes: Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids found in kiwi. They can help rebuild the macula, the center of our retina, preventing macular degenaration. A patient with this disease can suffer from vision loss. Also, kiwi contains a great amount of copper. This mineral helps maintain a healthy function of the nervous system. It allows our retina to work even better!

Because kiwi is usually easy to find all year round, make sure to consume it during Spring season too! Learn here how this fruit can help reduce wheezing, especially during allergy season. Don’t miss out on the amazing kiwi!
Fruit Benefits

Pineberries are the new berries. Try them!

Let’s learn about these new berries!

When you see pineberries at the grocery store you may wonder if you should try these new berries – as they don’t look like your conventional fruit.

Pineberries taste very sweet and they are delicious! You may think they taste a little tart because of their pale color. But don’t get confused with an albino fruit when you see these new berries! The pale color is just one of their characteristcs.

Even though they look like strawberries, they taste different. The rather sweeter side of it comes from the similarity they have from pineapples. Pineberries have a soft bite to it if compared to strawberries, which feels firmer. Their bite also feel soft like pears. But pineberries feel firm like strawberries when you are holding them while rinsing them off or cutting out their stems.

Try pineberries with pancakes!
Chocolate lava pancake

The pineberries get their name because it is a combo of the words pineapple and strawberry. They are a novelty type of strawberry, because they range in color and flavor. They are usually white with red achenes (seeds) but they can turn pink when they grow in sunlight. Berries are harvested when the achenes turn from green to red – that is when you should try them!

Pineberries taste delicious on their own! They are great for kebabs with other fruits, which gives a unique touch. Pineberry is also delicious with hazelzut and chocolate spread – a great way to get the kids to eat them! They are also good with oatmeal or pancakes. You can be creative on how you eat pineberries, they are just another form of berry anyway and go well in so many dishes!

Here is a little bit of history on these newer berries: white-fruited strawberries of Fragaria chiloensis (Chilean strawberry) have been traced back to Chile where the native peoples cultivated them more than a thousand years ago. They were then introduced into Europe around the 1700’s. Only about 20 years ago,

the Netherlands developed the pineberry through crossbreeding the red and white varieties.

Ten years later, pineberries started selling in the U.S. and they are now more popular.

These new berries are delicious with hazelnut spread. Try them!
Pineberries are delicious with hazelnut spread.

Pineberries are high in vitamin A and vitamin C which helps the immune health. They are antioxidants and rich in fiber. This pineapple flavor berry also helps support gut health, weight loss efforts and they may even support healthy blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Pineberries are sold most of the year from different regions. Florida growing season runs from November through April and the pineberries from California, from January through September. Other great news about pineberries is that they are non-GMO!

Check out our blog post on how to clean fruits properly so you are ready to try the new berries: pineberries!

Pineberries are the new berries. Try Pineberries in kebabs!
Fruit kebabs with pineberries for Valentine’s day
Fruit Benefits

The powerful acerola and its immune benefits.

How can we benefit from the powerful acerola?

Did you know acerola cherry has 16 times more vitamin C than oranges? Let’s check out the powerful acerola cherry and its immune benefits! One cup of acerola has 1,700mg of vitamin C while one cup of orange (slices) has 96mg.

Mexico and South America are home to fresh acerola. The Northeast of Brazil is the ideal region for acerola to grow. The acerola tree is a typical tropical tree. It’s impossible to grow outdoors in temperate climates. The only option is to grow it in pots and bring it indoors in a heated moist greenhouse during winter.

Even though the powerful fresh acerola cherry is mostly grown in tropical countries, we find acerola in other forms.

In the U.S. it is now fairly easy to find frozen puree acerola pouches at the grocery stores. It’s becoming common to add it to smoothies and juices. Acerola has a tart taste so mixing it with other fruits will help sweeten your smoothie. Another option is, for example, to add sugar if you want to drink purely acerola juice. Monkfruit sugar is a great natural resource, it’s zero glycemic! Monkfruit sugar also tastes more like the sugar we are used to having, like cane sugar.

Acerola puree packet

Acerola Juice shot is another way you find acerola cherry to help your immunity. Packed with vitamin C, you find these acerola shots in some grocery stores. They are usually 2-ounce bottles of 100 % cold-pressed acerola cherries. It’s a great option to boost our immunity especially when we start feeling “under the weather.”

And for more examples of how you can find the powerful acerola cherry and its immune benefits: acerola powder and acerola capsules can also help boost your immune system!

You can find these at vitamin stores, pharmacies, or grocery stores. You have the option to add acerola powder to smoothies. As far as acerola in capsules goes, they are a great option for your daily vitamins. Ascorbic acid is not the greatest source of vitamin C. So finding acerola as one of the main ingredients in Vitamin C capsules or in any immune booster is your best option. They are not only packed with vitamin c, but they are also a natural source. Acerola is much more bioavailable than synthesized ascorbic acid found in dietary supplements.

Check out our Acerola and mango juice recipe. Just blend one pouch of frozen acerola (about 100 grams), one fresh mango (about half cup), and a half cup of water. To make it sweeter, add one teaspoon of monk fruit sugar and/or two strawberries.

Check out and shop our Acerola Boosted Tank Top for a powerful look! Enjoy the powerful acerola cherry and its immune benefits!

Fruit Benefits

Make the most out of fruits in the spring season

Let’s learn and make the most out of fruits in the spring season!

Here at Lovely Mango, we often talk about the importance of eating fruits in season. And it wouldn’t be different this spring! Fruits of the season are healthier and more delicious. When buying fruits in season, it means that they were picked when fully ripened and consequently they taste delicious! Fruits in season also have better nutrition because the nutrients are fully developed once they are completely ripened. So, let’s enjoy fruits in this spring season!

We hope you enjoy this beautiful platter of Spring fruits cut in special shapes! Let’s do an overview of these fruits that are at their best during the springtime!

Orange – Despite oranges being in season in the winter, which is great to boost our vitamin C content during cold and flu season, many orange types continue in season during spring. That is also in our favor if we suffer from allergies. That is because the vitamin C content from oranges will boost our immune system, making us stronger against allergies. Some grapefruits and oranges are in season from winter all the way to May. Check out our article on fruits that will boost your immune system here.

Pineapple – For those who are looking to get back in better physical shape after the winter, pineapple can help! This fruit generally in season from March to July, is full of manganese which helps keep your bones strong. It’s not only beneficial to eat them before working out. Studies have shown that pineapples will help reduce inflammation and soreness after workout sessions.

Kiwi – There is about 80% of the daily vitamin C recommended value in one kiwifruit. But not only it has a great source of vitamin C to keep your immune system stronger. This fruit can also be beneficial in the Spring season especially for those who suffer from allergies that trigger asthma symptoms. A study shows that there was a positive effect on lung function among those who consumed citrus and kiwifruit. Eating these fresh fruits may reduce wheezing in susceptible children.

Strawberry – Not only we can enjoy the taste of fresh in-season strawberries as well as we can benefit our skin by eating them. The antioxidants found in strawberries help reduce skin damage from the sun’s UV rays and reduces inflammatory responses – acne. The vitamin C in strawberries can also work as a toner and reduce dark spots. Therefore, when you are out there enjoying nice weather and strawberry kabobs with your friends, know that your skin will be well assisted.

Mango – How about keeping your heart healthy for the start of the season of running and exercising outdoors? Mangoes are considered heart-healthy because of their high concentration of polyphenols. It primarily contains mangiferin, a bioactive compound that is antioxidant and may protect against inflammation. With a peak season running from May through September, mangos are so delicious and have so many recipes to enjoy in spring.

Most fruits can also be found during any other season or they can also be imported. But try enjoying the fruits in season and you will have the best in nutrition and flavor. In addition, you can feel better during the spring season as these fruits will give you specific benefits to help you obtain a better performance either exercising or enjoying time with friends while outdoors.

Fruit Benefits

8 fruits that will boost your immune system in the new year

These 8 winter fruits will boost your immunity and make you stronger in the new year!

During the winter season, we need to protect ourselves from cold and flu. There are so many things we can do to keep our immune system strong: exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, minimize stress, and eat a healthy diet. Several fruits have the power to help build a better immune system for our bodies. Keep in mind that fruits in season can be very beneficial when compared to the same produce available at the grocery stores all year round. These are the 8 fruits that will boost your immune system and make you stronger for the new year:

  • Oranges are often known as abundant in vitamin C. That is very true as one 8 ounce glass of orange juice contains 100% of our daily recommended value. Vitamin C promotes the production and function of the immune cells. Vitamin D and plant compounds also found in oranges, help fight infection and help build a strong immune system.
  • Pomegranates not only have vitamin C and E that help boost our immune system, but they have also shown to be antibacterial and antiviral in lab tests. Even though pomegranates are in season between the months of September and November, they store well and are available in December and January.
  • Clementines have amazing properties, one of them is 54 mg of vitamin C for 100g edible clementines. Even though they are sweeter, clementines are very similar to tangerines which also offer important benefits to our bodies.
  • Lemons are not only great when we are thirsty and we see a lemonade stand during the summer, they are actually best when they are in season, during the winter! Lemons not only contain vitamin C, but they also have about 60mcg of zinc per 100g. By the way, you are better off squeezing a lemon into a glass of water than making a sugary lemonade.
  • Grapefruits are not only high in vitamin C, they also have a great anti-inflammatory effect. Grapefruits have the power to restore levels of glutathione, a molecule recognized as one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. Try our easy and delicious yogurt and grapefruit recipe.
  • Apples have quercetin in the skin, which is a type of plant pigment that helps boost your immune system. Apples are best if eaten fresh. Dehydrating or drying them removes vitamin C, which is predominantly in the flesh. A fun way to enjoy apples is by making this dark chocolate and apple recipe. Don’t forget to leave the skin on!
  • Pears may promote gut health due to their high fiber amount. Fibers are considered prebiotics which improves immunity. Pears are also a great source of flavonoid antioxidants, which help fight inflammation and may decrease your risk of disease. Just be sure to eat the peel because that is where you can find many of this fruit’s nutrients.
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'juice to help immunity'

Try this delicious winter juice! Just add kiwi, clementines, grapefruit, and apples in a blender followed by a little bit of water and honey. After blending it well, use a colander to allow the juice to drain. Add a few ice cubes if you prefer and enjoy this boost of vitamin C with a straw! With these 8 fruits that will boost your immune system, you can create several different juice recipes.

Fruit Benefits

Let’s get extra vitamins by snacking on grapes!

Let’s get extra vitamins by simply snacking on these sweet treats!

Vitamin A, Vitamin C! At my house, we simply get extra vitamins by snacking on grapes! After rinsing the grapes off, I lay them on a paper towel to dry. But before they are placed in the fridge…snacking begins! Every couple of minutes we keep stopping by the countertop to grab a few of them. This keeps happening for a while until we eat half of the grape bunch, then it’s finally time for them to go in the fridge!

Let's get extra vitamins by snacking on grapes
Let’s get extra vitamins by snacking on grapes!

Snacking on grapes, or any fruits and vegetables, are the best way to stay away from artificial, sugary snacks. Check out our article on how to boost your afternoons, simply by eating cucumbers!

You should store grapes in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Also, it’s good for you to know that the best way to eat grapes is when they are firmly attached to the stem. When I go to the grocery store, I take one grape off the bunch that I am about to buy to make sure they feel firmly attached to the stem. In addition, try getting organic grapes as they are part of the “dirty dozen

For those who have small children, it’s recommended to cut a grape in half, or even in smaller pieces if they are younger than two years old. You should cut them lengthwise instead of widthwise so they can pass more easily through smaller throats.

Feel free to eat your grapes! They are fat-free and cholesterol-free. That is definitely a healthy snack that I recommend! So, let’s get extra vitamins by snacking on grapes! Besides its nutritional values, grapes are definitely a delicious option for those who enjoy a sweet treat!

Check out this cozy grapes pillow for your breakfast nook or family room in our boutique: Our Nook square pillow

Fruit Benefits

7 reasons why hydrating from watermelon can benefit you.

Get ready to learn why you should “drink” your water…melon!

As soon as we bite a slice of watermelon, we immediately taste its sweet water! Watermelon consists mostly of water, and because of that, there are several benefits to our health. Let’s take a look below at the 7 reasons why hydrating from watermelon can benefit you.

  1. Watermelon is 92 percent water. This means each time you bite on a watermelon, your body receives a great amount of water. That is why we call it water “melon.”
  2. Watermelon is considered a very healthy snack. Despite being mostly water with a bit of sugar, watermelon is also a good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, and lycopene. That is definitely a sweet snack that we can enjoy without feeling guilty! Visit our post on how to make fruit gifts out of watermelon.
  3. Our daily fluid intake is also defined by water consumed from foods. Not only drinking plain water and other beverages count in our daily fluid intake. The amount of water consumed from foods also plays an important role in hydrating our bodies. And given the amount of water found in watermelon, we can be certain that this fruit plays an important role in keeping up with our daily fluid intake.
  4. Water is the body’s main chemical component. Water makes up about 60 percent of our body weight. So we need to keep replenishing it in order to keep ourselves hydrated and healthy.
  5. The high water content in watermelon helps you feel full. The combination of water and fiber in watermelon – and other fruits and veggies – makes us feel satisfied. This means when we are eating watermelon, we eat a good volume of food without consuming a lot of calories.
  6. Eating watermelon benefits digestion. The combination of water and fiber found in watermelon are also important for healthy digestion.
  7. Sometimes we just need watermelon! Take advantage of hot weather or physical activity to replenish your body with water from watermelon. In those scenarios, you need to replenish your water intake anyways, so nothing better than a sweet fruit like watermelon to help you get the work done.

As I was finishing up writing this post, I was lucky to find the last slice of cold watermelon from the fridge to have as a snack. Now, it tastes even better once we know why hydrating from watermelon can benefit us!

Check out the Fully Hydrated Tank top by Lovely Mango on Etsy!